Pairing Guides

Nuts and Cheese Pairings
Nuts & Cheese Pairings
In the mood for something crunchy and salty? Or would you prefer something creamy and smooth? We say, why settle? When you pair nuts and cheese, you get the best of both in a combination that’s guaranteed to delight your...
Herbs and Cheese Pairings
Herb & Cheese Pairings
Herbs and cheese are a classic pairing, a timeless combination savored and enjoyed by cultures around the world. Fresh herbs are ideal when pairing herbs and cheese, but whether you’re using fresh thyme picked from your kitchen garden or that...
Grilled Cheese and Wine Pairings
Grilled Cheese and Wine Pairings
A great grilled cheese sandwich is like a painter’s canvas, waiting only for inspiration to become a masterpiece. What could be a better complement to your favorite grilled cheese than a glass of fine wine! Whether you’re making a classic...
Fruit and Cheese Pairings
Fruit and Cheese Pairings
A succulent staple in cuisines around the globe, it’s safe to say that fruit and cheese were simply made for each other. Put the juicy sweetness of fresh fruit and the creamy sharpness of our farmers’ best cheeses together and...
Whisky and Cheddar
Whiskey and Cheddar Pairings
Whether kicking off the weekend or as a night cap at the end of the day, whiskey is a bold choice that packs abundant flavor notes into every sip. When seeking out something to pair with whiskey, cheese can unlock...
Wine and Cheese Party Ideas
A Cheesy Affair: How to Host a Wine and Cheese Tasting Party
Wine and cheese parties provide the perfect opportunity to gather and graze. Laughing with your loved ones over new types of wine and cheese can become a treasured memory. Whether you're in charge of a celebration or looking to start...
Wine and Cheese Pairings featured
Wine & Cheese Pairings
Wine and cheese pairings are a classic combination that never goes out of style. Whether you're hosting a party or simply enjoying a night in, finding the perfect cheese to complement your wine can enhance the flavors of both. While...
Cheese and Chocolate
Delicious Cheese and Chocolate Pairings
Table Of Contents What Are The Health Benefits of Chocolate? What Are The Health Benefits of Cheddar Cheese? Seriously Sharp + 70% Dark Chocolate with Raspberries Habanero + Milk Chocolate Monterey Jack + Milk Chocolate Alpine Blend + Dark Chocolate with Almonds Divine Chocolate and The World’s Best...
Beer, Cider & Cheese Pairing
Beer, Cider & Cheese Pairings
Cabot joins with some of its favorite breweries for dynamic, delicious pairings of Craft Beer, Hard Cider and Cabot Cheddar. It’s hard to imagine a more appetizing combination that a cold brew paired with the tasty tang of sharp cheddar cheese....